If you love and are passionate about Navarre, we invite you to be part of the Navarre Centennial Celebration Committee.
In 2025, Navarre will celebrate its 100th anniversary!
In 2025, Navarre will celebrate its 100th anniversary!
This significant milestone in our community's history will be celebrated by commemorative events and programming. To assist with the planning for these events and activities between January 1, 2025, and December 31, 2025, the Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce has established a Navarre Centennial Celebration Committee ("NCCC'). The NCCC will also assist with soliciting for sponsorships and donations to provide financial assistance for such events and activities.
In order to garner a wide view of and receive necessary input from the entire community, the NCCC welcomes committee members who love and are passionate about the Navarre area, including the Holley Navarre Historical Society.
If you are interested in being part of the Navarre Centennial Celebration Committee, please make plans to attend the NCCC Meeting on Thursday, August 22th at 4:00 pm at The Navarre Chamber Information Center at 1804 Prado Street (behind TC's Front Porch).

Date and Time
Thursday Aug 22, 2024
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Ira Mae Hewatt Bruce Conference Room at The Navarre Chamber Information Center
Contact Information
Lynne Myers
(850) 939-3267
Send Email