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Offer Valid: 03/04/2025 - 03/28/2025
50% off our new service- HALOtherapy Salt Room

Book now and receive 50% off our Halotherapy. We are pleased to introduce our newest amenity, Halotherapy (salt therapy). Relax and breathe in the wonderful benefits of salt therapy in our Halotherapy treatment room. Stimulate all five senses: Breathe in and experience the subtle taste of salt, wonderful aromatherapy, listen to the waves and relax the eyes with our soft lighted salt display, and let your stress melt away in one of our four massage chairs. 


Benefits of Halotherapy includes opening the bronchial tubes in the lungs; helps to reduce inflammation in the sinuses and small airways; breaks up and clears mucus; can help reduce snoring and sleep related problems; helps reduce Asthma, Allergies, and COPD symptoms; helps reduce symptoms from Eczema and Psoriasis and other skin issues; helps athletic performance by expanding airways for increased lung function and capacity, increases oxygen saturation and exchange and helps with muscle endurance and recovery; reduce stress and help boost your mood.


This Hot Deal is promoted by Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce.

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