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Dive Into Marketing Strategy Easier

— —  Upcoming Training Workshops — — —

Register to tune in Tuesday, July 16 from 9-10 a.m. to learn how small businesses can leverage free data from Google Analytics to guide their marketing strategies. This workshop focuses on five specific questions that drive digital marketing decisions, and how to find those answers.

Sign up to tune in Thursday, July 18, at 9 a.m. for an hour, and take the first step towards securing the financial foundation your business needs to thrive. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting your journey, this workshop provides actionable insights.

Sign up to tune in Tuesday, July 30 at 9 a.m. for an hour for a special Tech Talk Tuesday where no question is off limits! Our IT expert will tackle your questions about IT, cybersecurity, digital trends, and more. Whether you're a tech novice or a digital enthusiast, this interactive session is for you.

Sign up to tune in Wednesday, Aug. 7 from 9-10:15 a.m. to explore alternative funding sources for small businesses. With 75-80% of small business loan requests denied by banks, it's crucial to know your options. Discover how your business can find the money it needs to move forward.


Reserve your seat to hear from our expert Marina Boeira-Tarulli at TechFarms in Panama City on Tuesday, July 23 from 9 a.m.-noon. She'll guide you through the steps to start up right in Northwest Florida. Afterwards, you qualify to meet with an SBDC consultant at no cost as needed for your business operations. Explore more Starting a Business workshops at a place and time that works for you!

Get SBDC's Take on Small Business Visibility Using Platforms Like Facebook & Instagram


Reserve your place at no cost to join us for this webinar Thursday, July 11 from 1-2 p.m. Eastern. Delve into the unified world of Facebook and Instagram (also known as Meta). Learn effective tactics to improve your profiles' engagement and content creation, making it easier to connect with your target audiences no matter your experience level.

Don't Forget!

The requirement for millions of business owners to submit Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) marks a significant regulatory shift. This mandate underlines a heightened focus on transparency and anti-money laundering measures within the corporate landscape. Watch this free, on-demand webinar to learn what you need to know, and reach out if you need any no-cost assistance at all to check this business task off!

Check Out Other Upcoming Opportunities

Our Florida SBDC team is excited to introduce you to a valuable new resource from our network: the Florida Entrepreneurial Nexus.


The Florida SBDC Network launched the Nexus to further entrepreneurialism and resources across the state. Designed to foster collaborative connections and provide even more support to Florida's small business community, the Nexus is a comprehensive online resource for small business owners like you.


With over 800 assets already integrated, this ecosystem offers access to a wealth of tools, resources, and support services to help you grow and succeed. These entrepreneurial assets that are available to entrepreneurs and small business owners include:


  • Innovation partners including tech runways and alliances
  • Economic and business development organizations
  • Business consulting or mentorship providers
  • Financial and funding partners including banks, lenders, angel investors, and venture capital funds


The Florida Entrepreneurial Nexus is a valuable complement to the services and support you already receive as a client of the Florida SBDC Network. Dive in at

Schedule a free client appointment in the future with our consultants at some of our partner locations. Each consultant in a spot and timeframe that works for you can provide solutions to your small business challenges. Send them an email to set up your own Power Hour timeslot.

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The Florida SBDC Network is state designated as Florida’s Principal Provider of Business Assistance [§ 288.001, Fla. Stat.] and recognized as Florida’s “premier source” for business assistance.
The Florida SBDC at the University of West Florida is a member of the Florida SBDC Network, a statewide partnership program nationally accredited by the Association of America’s SBDCs and funded in part by the U.S. Small Business Administration, Department of Defense, State of Florida, and other private and public partners, with the University of West Florida serving as the network’s headquarters. Florida SBDC services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Language assistance services are available for individuals with limited English proficiency.

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