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Just a few reminders about this Friday's Annual Military Appreciation Commerce & Coffee:

Just a few reminders about this Friday's Annual Military Appreciation Commerce & Coffee:

  • Everyone is invited!!  Please RSVP TODAY!!
  • Special thanks to LLG Architecture for sponsoring this event!
  • We are thrilled to have Randy Roy, Community Planning & Liaison Officer, at Naval Air Station Whiting Field.
  • We are also excited that Santa Rosa County Commissioner Sam Parker and representatives from the Santa Rosa County Economic Development Office will be giving us an overview of the $10,000 StRIVE Grant Opportunity for Small Businesses in Santa Rosa County. BRING YOUR QUESTIONS!
  • Please wear REDWHITE & BLUE!
  • We will be recognizing all Chamber Members, staff, and family members who have served and/or are currently serving in the US military.
  • Please submit military photos for the event slide show of you in military uniform. (You are welcome to submit photos of your co-workers and family members in military uniform too.) DEADLINE FOR PHOTOS: 9 AM ON THURSDAY
  • Invite your staff, family, and neighbors to join you at the event as your guests.
  • Door prizes are welcome.
  • A limited number of Member Showcase Tables are still available.

Please use the following link for additional details, including the links to submit your photo(s) and to reserve your Member Showcase Table:

We invite everyone to join us as we come together as a community and show our gratitude to those who have served and sacrificed for our freedom.

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