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Navarre Chamber Schedules Reorganization Meeting for Government Affairs Committee

The Navarre Chamber is dedicated to our mission of connecting the community to our members while advocating with honesty, integrity, and leadership. In alignment with this mission, we are excited to announce the revitalization of our Government Affairs Committee and invite you to participate in this important effort.
The Navarre Chamber’s Board of Directors recently approved a 5-Year Strategic Plan, with one of its key pillars focused on Economic & Community Development, Progress & Public Sector. In this area, we aim to find solutions through cooperation and collaboration with other chambers, communities, organizations, government agencies, and any other groups with a shared focus. We also recognize the importance of identifying opportunities where the Navarre Chamber can be a valuable partner in helping achieve the goals of our community.
All Navarre Chamber Members are invited to a reorganization meeting for the Government Affairs Committee. This committee will play a crucial role in advocating for the needs of our business community and ensuring that our collective voice is heard and respected by policymakers.
Meeting Details:
    Date: Wednesday, March 26th
    Time: 8:30 AM
    Location: Ira Mae Hewatt Bruce Conference Room
    (Virtual Option Available – Details Below)
    Address: The Navarre Chamber Information Center, 1804 Prado Street, Navarre
The meeting will be moderated by Dave Murzin, a Navarre Chamber member with extensive experience in government relations, legislative consulting, commercial real estate, and coalition building. Dave’s background includes roles as a former State Representative for House District 2, Chief Legislative Assistant, Legislative Assistant to US Congressman Jeff Miller, and Deputy Tax Collector for Escambia County.
We believe that by working together, we can create a brighter future for both our Chamber membership and the community we serve. Your insights, ideas, and involvement are critical to the success of this revitalization effort, and we look forward to collaborating with you to create meaningful strategies that address key issues facing our community.
Please make plans to attend this important meeting, where we will discuss how we can best serve as advocates for our community and identify areas for volunteer opportunities and collaboration.
We thank all members of the Navarre Chamber for your commitment to our mission, and we look forward to your participation!
If you have any questions and/or you need additional information, please contact

ZOOM OPTION: If for some reason you cannot attend, but you would like to participate via Zoom, here is the INVITATION:
Topic: Navarre Chamber Government Affairs Committee Reorganization Meeting
Time: Mar 26, 2025 08:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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