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Santa Rosa County Commissioner Kerry Alan Smith Earns the Certified County Commissioner Designation

Commissioner Kerry Smith holding a plaque recognizing his completion of a county commissioner course study through the Florida Association of Counties
Santa Rosa County Commissioner Kerry Alan Smith Earns the Certified County Commissioner Designation
Santa Rosa County Commissioner Kerry Alan Smith was presented with the Certified County Commissioner (CCC) designation from the Institute for County Government (ICG) at an award ceremony held at the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) Annual Conference and Educational Exhibition in Orange County, Florida.  
The CCC designation is a voluntary program of study designed for county commissioners to learn information and enhance skills relevant to their duties and responsibilities as an elected official. 
"These courses were the best use of time yet," said Commissioner Kerry Alan Smith, District 2. "The courses were put on by a variety of former and/or current county leaders from throughout the state. I want to thank the Institute for County Government, a branch of the Florida Association of Counties, for compiling this comprehensive course study for incoming commissioners. In the past year and a half I have been “trying to sip water from a fire hydrant”, however after completing this course study, I have found that I have been able to understand the processes and now I am more likely to get the correct amount of water every time I go to get a drink."
The CCC educational program is an initiative comprising of 45 hours of coursework. This program's curriculum encompasses a diverse range of courses, such as growth management, financial management, and ethics, as well as elective courses such as affordable housing, emergency management, and resiliency.
“The CCC program highlights the quality of local leaders we have in the state of Florida,” shares Eric Poole, Executive Director of ICG. “For them to invest their time into completing coursework to benefit their constituents and community, they demonstrate their dedication to going above and beyond the expected duties of a county commissioner.”
Alongside Commissioner Smith, eleven commissioners earned the CCC designation at the FAC award ceremony.
The CCC program is made possible through a continuing partnership with the University of Florida/IFAS Extension.
To learn more about ICG and the CCC designation, visit
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Founded in 1929, the Florida Association of Counties has represented the diverse interests of Florida’s counties, emphasizing the importance of protecting home rule – the concept that communities and their local leaders should make the decisions that impact their community. The Florida Association of Counties helps Florida’s counties effectively serve and represent their communities through Advocacy, Collaboration, and Education. 

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