SAVE THE DATE: 2025 UF/PSC Spring Festival of Flowers on April 4, 5 & 6
Mark your calendars for the 2025 UF/PSC Spring Festival of Flowers on April 4, 5 & 6!! This is a must attend event!! Festival details coming soon.......
Take the Survey Now!
The UF/IFAS Santa Rosa County Extension Residential Horticulture Program provides research backed advice concerning lawns, landscaping, and garden needs. It's also home to the Master Gardener Volunteer Program. While this service is free, it relies on community feedback to ensure its offerings meet local needs. The public is encouraged to complete a short survey to help enhance the program's effectiveness in serving the community. The survey can be found online at
Scary Good Workshops
Ready to lean into the #OctoberTheory of changing your life and start your business? Reserve your seat to hear from our expert Dr. Len Eichler in Panama City Beach this Thursday morning, Oct. 31 from 9 a.m.-noon at TechFarms. During this in-depth start-up workshop, Dr. Eichler will guide you through the journey to start up right in Northwest Florida. Afterwards, you qualify to meet with a consultant at no cost as needed for your